2016-08-29 - Idlywood Sidewalk


~5.9 miles @ ~12.7 min/mi

"Best. Anniversary. Gift. Ever!" Dr Kerry thanks her husband for his kind present after 22 years of marriage: three coats of polyurethane on the front door! And a bonus: "He and my daughter cleaned out my closet!"

The Dawn Patrol discovers a spiffy new sidewalk on Idlywood Road, making that segment far safer running in the early morning gloom. Kristin tells of her son's loose tooth removal this weekend, via a string tied to his radio-controlled model truck. Caitlin ran fast yesterday along Rock Creek Trail; her graduate work starts tonight at the University of Maryland. Kerry reports on the Laguna Beach "Pageant of the Masters" living-statue art recreation festival, and the "Tiki Beach 10k" that she did on the Pacific shore. Back after a multi-hop red-eye flight, she's somehow cheerful in spite of jet-lag, no caffeine, and just a few hours of sleep. "Welcome home, Dr K — we're so glad you're here!".

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-09-26